Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A grey and rainy day

I love rain as a general rule, but today everything just feels grey and rainy. This must mean that I need to do service for someone. But what can I do? Who needs me to do something for them today? Time to pray and ASK.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hmmm, it has been awhile since I last posted on my very own blog. I have been through some rare moods over the past week. But today, I am simply thoughtful . . . as the music probably reflects. I am not trying to find myself or anything like that. I truly believe that I am whoever I decide to be. Sometimes I lose sight of that and get sidetracked. The hustle and bustle of daily life covers up the calm and reflective side of me. I get so busy, I forget to take time for the deeper thoughts that keep me in balance. Music is such a big part of finding my balance. I need to remember to make time each day to close my eyes, inhale, and just be.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yes, it is true. I'm afraid I have a case of the grumps. Not to worry, it isn't anythig a nice nap, plenty of water and a walk in the sunshine won't be able to cure! The nap is only about 2 hours away (if I can get Jamie to DO her school work), water is at my fingertips as I type. . . . AAAAHHH so refreshing, and Nichole will take me for my walk just as soon as she finishes up with her school work (which will be after it warms up a bit). I feel better already! Now I am going to try an experiment. . . . I am going to smile in spite of my self.

Yes, smiling definitely helps, but it was more effective when I shared it with Rachelle. Then the smile actually reached down the sides and gave my heart a little tickle. Now, let's see. . . what will happen if I share it some more?

Well, Nichole waved at me with a curious little smile of her own, and Marissa's smile said something like, "Do you need me to do something?" In any event, they both smiled and now I fear I am no longer Grumpy. I think today, I shall be Happy! Well, Happy with just a touch of Sleepy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


A little ray of sunlight has fallen on my floor
And splashed across the puppy
And stirred up quite a snore.

A little ray of sunlight has found an empty space
To twist and dance and shimmer
And dust warmth upon my face.

A little ray of sunlight has somehow found a way
To touch my heart with gladness
And to brighten up my day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Discombobulated. . . .

Have you ever woken up in the Twilight Zone? It happened to me yesterday.

I have been battling what my friends call "the crud" for several days now. You know--sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and wishing there was Nyquil somewhere in the house. I spent the first half of the day in a fog. Seminary, breakfast, school with Jamie are all hazy in my memory. I do recall that at some point, one of the girls pointed out that Valentine's Day was on Saturday and suggested that we have some sort of party in Seminary on Friday. The more I thought about it, the more I liked that idea since I really do love my Seminary students. But, those thoughts had to be put on the back burner because all that sneezing was making my eyes water and I looked and felt rather like I had gone a few rounds in a boxing match. By noon, I realized that I needed a nap, and I needed one fast!

So it was off la-la land to catch some z's. I slept hard for two hours. What woke me up? I don't even remember waking up. Just some vague thought that Rob should be in bed by now, and where was he? Where was he indeed? That question just built up in my mind until it demanded an answer. Where was Rob? Had he fallen asleep on the couch? Was he still working at the computer? I supposed I should get up and encourage him to come to bed. But once I was standing beside my bed, I couldn't remember why I had gotten out of bed. I glanced at the clock (I am a very time concious person) and discovered that it was only 2:00. I sighed in relief that I wouldn't have to get up for Seminary for another 2 1/2 hours, then discovered that daylight was streaming in around the window shade! I looked from the clock to the window several times, not fully understanding what the daylight could mean, when suddenly it dawned on me. . . I had completely missed Seminary!!! Oh, how could this have happened? Why hadn't anyone come to wake me up? Who had taught the lesson? And what about the party? Just as I was about to pass out from the hysteria building up in my heart, I realized that it was still Thursday, and I had just woken up from a very deep nap. Rob was still at work (as well he should be) and Seminary wasn't for another 16 hours yet. I did what any sensible person would do, and went back to bed for another 2 hours. Happily, when I awoke at 4:00, I was completely refreshed, and only distantly wondered if Rob had gotten a good night's rest too.

Monday, February 9, 2009

And so it begins. . .

Ahhh, my very own blog. A place for all my random ramblings. No pressure to be entertaining or clever. Just a place to be me. I like it!

What's in a name?

Rubber Rhubarb. . . rather silly, I suppose. However, that is precisely who I am. It could have been worse. Mom and Dad had seriously considered naming me Robert. Now, don't get me wrong. There is absolutely NOTHING terrible about the name Robert. In fact, I know quite a few amazing guys named Robert. My father is a Robert, my brother is a Robert. Heck, I even married one. Robert is a good, solid name. It is also decidedly masculine. No, I simply was not born to be a Robert. Happily, I was not born to be a Roberta either (which was briefly discussed and disgarded).

Did Mom and Dad agonize over what name their first born should go through life with? Did they have me try on names they way some women try on shoes. . . this one and that one until finally the right one fits? Maybe, but I actually suspect I might have earned my name, and pretty much right out of the oven. I probably looked a lot like most newborns. Red and wrinkly. No, I don't mean pink and wrinkly--ok, so I wasn't like most newborns, then. Because I was definitely RED and wrinkly. In fact, I am still red--and just the tiniest bit wrinkly. But I digress. . . So perhaps I didn't look all that much like most newborns except for the wrinkly part. And if what Mom says is true, I didn't sound much like a newborn either, because she swears that I came out talking, and haven't stopped since.

What does all that have to do with Rubber Rhubarb--or may name for that matter? I'm getting to that. See, here was this tiny little red talking thing that was supposed to be a Robert or a Roberta, but those names just didn't fit. I'm probably lying there, talking up a storm and Mom is thinking how nice it would be if it were spring. Spring? Why spring? Well, I don't know why she would be thinking about spring at the beginning of November, but let's just say she was because having someone visualize spring really helps out with my story here. Anyway, Mom is thinking about spring and Dad is wondering how in the world he is going to name a girl who is definitely not a Roberta after himself when all of a sudden it comes to them. . . Robin! She is red and noisy--and--Robin is a form of Robert.

Then before anyone had a chance to draw breath--much less try on another pair of shoes (for a refresher on what shoes have to do with Rubber Rhubarb, see the second sentence in the second paragraph), Robin Rubey was officially ready to embark on that great adventure I like to call life.

I am tired of blogging now. Why Rubber Rhubarb? I'll have to tell you later. . .